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how to get through the tough stages of breastfeeding including tips from mothers on how they increased thier milk supply for baby

Let’s cut straight to the point… breastfeeding ain’t always a walk in the park. It can be tough. Really tough! But you are not alone in this journey! There is a wonderful community of moms who are here to help! 20+ mom bloggers have come together to offer their most valuable tips when it comes to breastfeeding.

“They key is to educate yourself and find the support you need.  Watch all the breastfeeding documentaries on Netflix and Amazon Prime, join support groups on Facebook, and read everything you can get your hands on including articles, blogs and books.  Learn your rights. And if you are comfortable enough to, I highly recommend letting go of your inhibitions and nursing in public & “breast-sleeping”. It just makes life sooooo much easier!”

Alea from

“I breastfed my twins for 6 ½ months.  My biggest tip is to keep reassuring yourself that providing breast milk in any amount each day is good and is enough.  For each feeding, I would either nurse or provide them with one bottle of breast milk followed by the necessary amount of formula for them to feel satisfied.  This did not noticeably affect my supply, my kids weren’t going hungry, I wasn’t completely stressed, and I was providing them the breast milk that they needed.”

Marianne from The Marv Mis

“I have had three exclusive breastfed babies and each journey was very different. My first had a tongue tie that resulted in cracked nipples and a lot of pain for me. The best thing I did was find an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) who came to my house a few times to help with proper latch. She diagnosed the tongue tie and helped me to find a doctor to correct the problem. Without her help I am sure I would have given up nursing. It is much more difficult than you would expect and getting help when you have a problem can make a world of difference.”

Emma from Kids, Cash and Chaos

“Try to go topless as much as possible. This makes the early days of nursing so much easier. It also helps not to have anything rubbing your already sore nipples. As well as help your nipples to air out lower the chance for infection. And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Breastfeeding can be hard and there is no shame in seeking help.”

Tiffany from Short Sweet Mom

“One thing I’ve learned from breastfeeding 4 babies is that it can be very challenging. Have patience; breastfeeding takes time to master. Rest, hydration, and nutrition are extremely important while breastfeeding, but even more important is finding support. Surround yourself with people who will offer positive guidance and encouragement. If you find that breastfeeding isn’t right for you and your child and you decide to take another approach have confidence in the fact that you made the right choice for both of you!

“I’m not sure why I struggled to breast feed so much but I did. While I much preferred pumping (well except for the time issue!) if I had to breast feed the Nipple Shield was the only way I could go. It let me daughter latch, get a much better suction and didn’t irritate my nipples overly. I always carried one in my diaper bag just in case!”

Shelby from Fit As A Mama Bear

“As I near 40 months total of breastfeeding between my three kiddos, my advice is to give yourself a break and get help early.  Everyone says that breastfeeding is natural.  So it’s easy to get discouraged when it feels like you have no idea what you’re doing.  It can take a month or more to start to feel comfortable with it, so give yourself time.  Also, if you have any difficulty or concerns, don’t hesitate to seek the support of a lactation consultant.  They can correct any issues, or simply validate how well you are doing.”

Jenny from The Crafty Organized Mom

“Breastfeeding was super tough the first couple months. My son had some issues latching early on, I fought a bad case of mastitis, and I was sleep deprived from keeping up with pumping sessions after breastfeeding in the middle of the night. My biggest piece of advice is that it does get easier, even if you have some challenges early on. My son is now 19 months and we are still breastfeeding and it’s practically second nature with virtually no pain!”

Berklee from Faith Filled Motherhood

 “After having my daughter in 2016, she had difficulty latching and we ended up having to use a nipple shield to breastfeed. If you need to use a nipple shield, don’t give up or feel discouraged! Talk to a lactation consultant. After four months using the shield, one day my daughter took it off by herself and latched on like a pro! We have been breastfeeding without it successfully ever since.”

Audrey from Perfected In Weakness

“I have breastfed my two boys for a total of 25 months and am still going with my one year old. What has helped me most, keeping my babies satisfied and well-fed, has been learning to relax and focus on my baby only, when I’m nursing. When I try to do other things at the same time as nursing, my baby doesn’t get as much breast milk and is hungry much sooner.”

Crystalyn from The Prudent Housewife

I am currently breastfeeding my fourth baby, and it has been a learning curve! I breastfed my twins until they were 3 and self-weaned. My recommendation for breastfeeding multiples beyond 6 months is to think marathon rather than sprint. Getting breastfeeding established might take a bit of pumping and some ups and downs, but it will all settle down, especially when your babies start eating solid food as well. It was fabulous to breastfeed my twins as toddlers – it provided some calm for everyone in the daily chaos.

Elizabeth from What Mama Knows

“In my second homebirth, the midwife suggested that we allow our baby to rest on my abdomen immediately after birth to allow him to crawl up to the breast on his own. He did it! Took him forever but the little man found his way and latched on like a champ. My take away from this cool experience was the inspiration in the drive within us to thrive and find nourishment. So trust your body’s innate wisdom and then be gentle on yourself if it turns out you’re challenged in the breastfeeding front. Know that your body and your heart were designed to provide all that your baby needs, whether in the end that looks like breast or bottle feeding.”

Kathy  from Bliss Beyond Naptime

“If you are new to the process of breastfeeding my best tip for you is have a nursing station set up beforehand. When my baby nursed I was never fully prepared for how long the process took. Try to make sure you have plenty of water and a snack nearby because breastfeeding is hunger and thirst inducing work. Another thing I suggest having there is a phone charger nearby or a book so you have a source of entertainment while your baby nurses.”

Sheyla  from The Momma Chronicles

“Get help if you need it.  I breastfed my first six babies until they were 1+ years old.  I was a pro!  Until my seventh child was born.  I had extended, excruciating pain every time he nursed.  I knew what I was doing, latching on correctly, positioning correctly, and still, the pain persisted.  Finally, I sought the help of a lactation consultant who diagnosed a tongue tie and gave me the resources I needed to successfully nurse my son until he weaned at 20 months.”

Corinna from The Mommy Clause

“After breastfeeding 2 children, still currently breastfeeding one, the best advice I could give is to be patient and don’t compare yourself to other moms. If you pump and bottle feed. Great. If you exclusively breastfeed that’s great too. Every mom and babies needs are different and you should do what is best for your family.”

Tiffany from Small Life Living

“I’ve only been breastfeeding for a couple of weeks but I’ve found having my phone nearby to be very helpful. It allows me to text with people and also works as a communication device if I need help and no one is nearby.”

Pam of Hodge Podge Moments

“My son was born at just over 26 weeks via induction in September 2015. 36 weekers are notoriously poor feeders. My son developed hyper-jaundice that lasted almost 5 weeks. I exclusively pumped from the beginning, which was an emotional and disappointing experience. My advice would be to follow your intuition, advocate for yourself, and don’t be ashamed to ask for help, whether if it’s from a lactation consultant or a bottle of formula.”

Michelle at Writing Between Pauses

“I gave birth to twins via C-section in January 2013. My twins weighed 6lbs 5 oz for Andrew and 14lbs. 4 oz. for Lucy. One recovery tip is to get your husband involved. Since I had twins I had to rely on him for feedings and changings 🙂 Breastfeeding was a slow process. I had to use donated milk as I wasn’t making enough milk for my twins. My tip is to don’t give up and use donated milk if you can!”

Elna Cain from Twins Mommy

“I breastfed my son for two years, but had a hard time in the beginning.
I wasn’t producing enough milk and had to supplement with formula. That
wasn’t what I envisioned doing, but I didn’t want to give up on
breastfeeding! What kept me going was that I wanted to provide the best
nutrients for my son. If that meant that I would continue to breastfeed
with the need to supplement with formula that would be perfectly fine.”

Jessica from intentional in life

“The best thing I did, unfortunately not until our second baby, was to
learn how to breastfeed comfortably while lying down. I also learned how
to co-sleep safely and therefor I could keep our baby in bed with me and
breastfeed whenever he needed it almost without waking up. It was

Paula from Easy Baby Life

“My twins were born 8 weeks early.  I pumped every 3 hours to give them breastmilk during their NICU stay. After they came home I tried to breastfeed, but they didn’t have the strength.  I pumped and gave them both breastmilk and formula.  We never ended up being able to breastfeed, and the term “breast is best” still makes me feel really sad and guilty.  Fed is best, so don’t feel guilty if breastfeeding doesn’t work!”

Caitlin from Rogers Party of 5

“I breastfed both of my daughters, and had so much pain the first few weeks.  Especially with my second who was tongue tied, her latch was terrible! Lansinoh Soothies Gel Pads are the most amazing thing for sore, cracked nipples.  Express some of your breast milk to naturally soothe the area, and then apply the soothies from the fridge.  The pain is instantly relieved!”

Kait from Kaits Place

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