8 Weeks

8 Weeks Pregnant... What's Happening this week? Baby’s brain is officially up and running! This week, brain activity begins in your little raspberry! Your uterus has also now done some major growing! It’s now the size of a grapefruit. By the time your...

6 Weeks

What's Happening at 6 Weeks Can you believe that your little baby’s face is beginning to form? How sweet is that?! You’ve also probably started to see more signs of pregnancy by now such as frequent urination, heartburn and maybe even some mild headaches....

Week 5

5 Weeks Hey there, mama (are you getting used to the fact that you soon will be a MOTHER?!) If you have just learned you are pregnant at 5 weeks, be sure to go back and read through week 4 for some great information. Baby In Action at 5 Weeks This week your baby will...

9 Weeks

Everything Happening at 9 Weeks If you haven’t already, chances are you will be getting your first look at baby through your first ultrasound. Hopefully you have also had a chance to speak with your OB and get some of your most burning questions answered! If you...

10 Weeks

A Look into Week 10 of Your Pregnancy Welcome to the third month of your pregnancy and the last month of your first trimester. Are you getting more and more anxious for baby yet?  Your baby has officially made the big move from fetus to embryo. More details on all...

4 Weeks

Congratulations! You are Pregnant! If you are reading this at 4 weeks pregnant, you have found out the big news very early on in your journey to grow a baby. Chances are, you are over-the-moon excited and ready to read up on all that will come over the next 36 weeks....