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The Most Common Mistakes Pregnant Women Make

Pregnancy is by far one of the most unique times in a woman life. From ultra sounds to registering for gifts… and the feeling of having a life inside of you. It’s just wonderful. But it’s also a time when we worry the most. We take precautions and sometimes let our nerves take control. With all that there is to think about and all the information out there, it’s no surprise that there may be a mistake or two along the way.

But fear not, if there is anything that is really worrying you, be sure to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. That’s what they are there for!

“Eat for Two”

Medline Plus breaks down the calorie intake for us: For most normal-weight pregnant women, the right amount of calories is: About 1,800 calories per day during the first trimester. About 2,200 calories per day during the second trimester. About 2,400 calories per day during the third trimester.” Now considering the average calorie intake for a woman is 1,800-2,000 per day, this means the most you would need is an extra 400 calories per day. That’s the amount of calories in a medium avocado!

This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t indulge every now and then. You absolutely deserve a treat to satisfy those cravings! But cheese fries at every meal is definitely not the best idea.

Avoiding Excercise

Our maternal instincts kick in pretty quickly into pregnancy and it is no surprise that we can get a little nervous when it comes to exercise and activity. However, it can be perfectly safe to continue your previous exercise regimen as long as you discuss it with your doctor.

If you have not had a previous exercise regimen, talk with your doctor about starting to walk more regularly or other low impact activities.

There are so many benefits to staying active during pregnancy. First of all, woman who stay active during pregnancy have lower chances of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes. Excercise can also help you avoid some of the common discomforts during pregnancy, including back pain and fatigue.

Again, talk through your activity plans with your physician.

Worrying that Sex is Going to Hurt The Baby

Trust me, I get it. Having sex can be scary while pregnant. But worry not mama, it is totally safe to be intimate with your partner while expecting. According to Mayo Clinic, “your developing baby is protected by the amniotic fluid in your uterus, as well as by the strong muscles of the uterus itself.”

Now, there are some conditions that could cause issues, such as placenta previa or previous preterm labor. If this is a concern of yours, discuss it with your doctor. And with your partner. Let them know that you are nervous and talk through your concerns.

Sleeping on Their Back Past 20 Weeks

According to The American Pregnancy Association, sleeping on your back  “can cause problems with back aches, breathing, the digestive system, hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and cause a decrease in circulation to your heart and your baby”. Their suggestion is to “SOS”: Sleep on Side. And more importantly, your left side. Not only will this help get the maximum nutrients to your baby, but it keeps your uterus from putting too much pressure on your liver, which is on the right side. You should make the switch to side around 20 weeks of pregnancy.

If you need extra help getting comfy, I can attest that the Snoogle is by far the most amazing pregnancy pillow ever. My husband hates it because it takes up half the bed, but he understands it’s what’s best to help his cranky pregnant wife get a good nights rest!

Cutting Caffeine out for 9 months

Who doesn’t love a good cup of Joe to start out their day?! Most woman think that they have to cut caffeine cold turkey as soon as the test comes back positive. Luckily, that isn’t the case.

The World Health Organization has stated that mothers should not consume more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. More than the suggested 300 mg could result in low birth weight.

Check the label of your favorite blend to determine the amount of caffeine.  For example, a tall Iced Coffee from Starbucks as 120 mg of caffeine, meaning a cup would be totally safe to have, unless otherwise directed by your doctor.


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