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7 Things I wish my husband knew before we went into labor with our first baby



Seven Things I Wish My Husband Knew Before Coming Into the Delivery Room


#1 You are going to see a side of me you have, most likely, never seen before.  Physically, emotionally, and mentally, I am going to go through the trenches during this labor.

I ask that you keep an open mind to requests (or demands) and remember that my body is doing something extraordinary at that very moment.

I’m working through a process that will bring a human into this world. Expect that things may get weird, angry, emotional, or just downright overwhelming.

Stick with me.

And be prepared, the roller coaster of emotions won’t stop when we leave the hospital. My body still has many changes to go through as it recovers. I may look in the mirror and not even recognize the body I see, but remind me that I am still the woman you fell in love with, regardless of my reflection.


#2 My birth plan in our birth plan.  Help me advocate for it.

Labor and delivery can be scary. My birth plan empowers me and gives me confidence.

Stand by my side and support me when it comes time to voice our wants and desires. But also remind me that if things go as planned, our baby sis still our baby, regardless or delivery method.

Note: If you really want to get your hubs more in touch with what the terms of your birth plan (and just over all what to expect), ask him to take an online pre-natal class with you.  This class, called Birth It Up, was created by a Labor and Delivery nurse. You can use code Swaddles10 for 10% off!

 Here’s the link to the online class I recommend.

 #3 You are my person, but I may also need some alone time. Who knows how long I will be in labor. It could be 2 hours; it could be more than 24 hours.

Whatever the time, I may need some time to myself.

Time to focus on my thoughts, my great and just collect myself. But don’t be surprised if you are called back quickly. When I need you, I NEED YOU!



#4 Capture the moments. If there has ever been a time in your life I need you to dig deep and channel your inner professional photographer, now is that time.

These moments of bringing our baby into the world are so special. Help me remember them. Don’t worry about taking too many; I’m not sure that it’s even possible to do so. And they don’t need to be posed photos, sometimes the candid, unplanned photos are the best.

I promise I will return the favor and take some great ones of you and the kiddo too!

#5 Be cautious with your food and beverage. If you ask me at 39 weeks if I’m ok with you packing some Snickers in your hospital bag, I’d most likely say yes.

But whip out that candy bar at the wrong moment, and who knows what kind of wrath you will receive.

Play it safe and step out if you want to indulge in a delicious meal. I’ll just be over here enjoying my ice chips…




#6 The delivery room is VIP only. While I may love and adore your mother, father, brother, and aunt who is flying in to meet our new addition, I may not want them in the delivery room.

Let’s hammer out the details of who we would like in the room before delivery day. And even after baby arrives, let’s keep the visits short and sweet. There will be a lot of after care and small procedures happening in the hospital on both mom and baby and I will most likely not prefer an audience for those either.

#7 Everything will change, yet we will feel more ourselves than we ever have before. As first time parents, we have NO idea what kind of love will wash over us in those first few moments that we see our child. Our whole world will change. We will see each other differently.

You are now a Dad and I am now a Mom. We have a child.

Saying that statement out loud in those first few weeks will likely give us goosebumps. Yet, with all those changes, we are going to feel so whole, so complete. We won’t be able to picture our lives without our little human, just as I cannot picture our lives without you. It’s going to be emotional, but don’t try to hide that. Let’s talk about it. Let’s share all of those crazy emotions we are having. It will only make us stronger!

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