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Previously, people would believe that conception difficulty is due to a woman’s infertility. Recent research shows that preconception health for men is as important as women. Infertility affects about 10-15% of all men. 

A lack of sperm is usually due to hormonal imbalance or blockage of sperm movement. In some infertility cases, male individuals produce low levels of sperms than normal. According to the CDC, about 10% of women in the U.S have conception problems. 

It means infertility is a common concern for both men and women. A healthy pregnancy requires both men and women to focus on their preconception health. Besides exercise, yoga, Pilates, balanced diet, and stress management, it is crucial to take nutrient-rich supplements to increase chances of conception. Read on! 

Best Supplements for Men 

Male infertility refers to poor sperm quality or sexual function that reduce the chances of making his partner pregnant. How to boost male fertility or how to enhance preconception health? One effective way to do this is including supplements in your daily routine. 

D-Aspartic Acid

A recent study concluded that taking D-aspartic acid supplement for 2-3 months can increase the sperm count and quality. Not only does D-aspartic acid improves sperm quality, but it also increases the sperms’ motility. Sperm with the capability of rapid movement can attach accurately to the egg in the fallopian tube. 

Vitamin C 

Numerous research studies have highlighted the benefits of vitamin C supplements for male preconception health. For instance, taking 1,000 mg vitamin C two time a day for 2-3 months can increase sperm motility by 92%. 

Vitamin C supplements approved by the FDA have been shown to increase sperm count by 100%. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that positively affects male fertility by reducing deformed sperm cells by 55%. 

Vitamin D 

Vitamin D can increase sperm motility by 7-10%. One study highlighted that taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D supplements daily for one year increased testosterone levels by 25%. Increased vitamin D level in the body is directly proportional to improved sperm motility.   


Fenugreek is another supplement you can use to improve your preconception health and help your partner become pregnant. It increases your testosterone levels and allows for quality sperm production. 

Testofen is a fenugreek-based supplement that can improve libido, sexual strength and performance. One study highlighted that taking 600 mg of Testofen daily for six weeks can improve fertility and preconception health. 


Zinc is a vitamin commonly available in supplemental form for boosting male fertility and improving sperm motility. A 2008 study conducted by Kuwait University stated that zinc supplements could improve fertility in men with sperm motility problems. 

Many observational studies highlight that increased zinc levels are associated with high testosterone levels, high sperm quality, and reduced infertility risk. Zinc supplements likewise increase sperm count and increase the chances of sperm fertilization with the egg. 

Best Supplements for Women 

The ovulation process is a great sign of fertility in women. Many women undergo ovulation problems that significantly affect conception ability. The good news is that women can achieve better ovulation by taking certain prenatal vitamins and supplements. Continue reading! 

Folic Acid 

Although folic acid is important for both men and women, it is more often used by female individuals looking to get pregnant. Folic acid improves egg quality in women and allows it to attach to the sperm in the fallopian tube accurately. According to the CDC, a woman trying to conceive should take at least 400 mcg of folic acid daily. 

Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient and a powerful supplement for women trying to conceive a baby. Research shows that vitamin E increases cervical mucus and allows sperm to stay alive for a long time. The purpose is to increase the process of fertilization. 

Some studies highlight that vitamin E is beneficial for women who want to conceive a baby later in life. Not only does vitamin E support egg quality, but it also improves its ability to fertilize with the sperm and lead to the development of a healthy embryo. 

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 

Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids supplementation play a key role in regulating healthy ovulation. It can increase progesterone levels that regulate uterus lining and provides a better spot for embryo attachment. Omega-3 fatty acids can also decrease anovulation in female individuals. 

Coenzyme Q10

A recent study published in the Journal of Fertility and Sterility concluded that Coenzyme Q10 or CoQ10 supplements could improve egg’s quality in women. The study recommended taking at least 600 mg daily to increase fertilization of egg and sperm in the fallopian tube. Besides, CoQ10 also improves male fertility and increase the chances of conception. 


A growing body of research evidence shows that selenium can significantly improve the quality of ovarian follicles. As a result, you have better development of the egg in the ovary. Selenium is an essential antioxidant that helps prevent miscarriages and congenital disabilities in pregnant women. If you want to conceive healthily and quickly, it is recommended to take at least 400 mg of selenium per day. 

Final Words 

Healthy fertility is important for both male and female individuals. Preconception health can be improved in many ways. One easy way is to take FDA-approved natural supplements that provide the body with essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Studies show that supplements increase sperm motility and count in men and improve the quality of egg and fertilization in women. 

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