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Is My Baby’s Poop SUPPOSED to Look Like That??!!

For any new mom, figuring out what is normal and what isn’t when it comes to your baby’s bowel movements can be a bit of a challenge. It can also be hard to know what’s normal for each stage of development and how often your baby should be pooping. To help clear up the confusion, let’s explore what is normal for baby poop and when you should be concerned.

Newborn Baby

For newborn babies, their first few days will likely produce meconium which is thick, blackish-green in color. This type of poop is made up of cells and amniotic fluid that was ingested in utero. After the first few days, the poop should transition to a yellowish color with a runny consistency like mustard or applesauce. The frequency of bowel movements will vary but generally speaking, it should occur at least once per day or once every other day. Breastfed babies tend to poop less than formula fed babies. A breastfed baby not having a bowel movement for 2-3 days is completely normal!

When You Should Contact a Medical Professional

It’s important to be aware of any changes in your baby’s stool that could indicate an underlying health issue. Diarrhea can be caused by numerous things such as teething, illnesses like stomach flu or food sensitivities, or even certain medications or supplements. It’s also important to watch for constipation—which can cause hard stools that are difficult for babies to pass—as well as white, chalky stools which may indicate an issue with the gallbladder or liver. If you see any drastic changes in color (especially black), texture (such as slimy), frequency (more than 4 times per day) or if your infant is having difficulty passing their stools, contact your pediatrician right away as these could be signs of an infection or other serious condition.

As long as their poops remain within the realm of yellowish-brown and peanut buttery softness then there shouldn’t be anything too concerning! However, it’s always good practice to keep an eye out for any abnormalities just in case something more serious is going on. If you notice any major changes in your baby’s bowel movements don’t hesitate to contact your pediatrician right away – they’ll likely thank you later!

More read for New Moms:

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