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10 weeks pregnant symptoms

A Look into Week 10 of Your Pregnancy

Welcome to the third month of your pregnancy and the last month of your first trimester. Are you getting more and more anxious for baby yet? 

Your baby has officially made the big move from fetus to embryo. More details on all that’s happening with baby below. 


baby growth week by week

Baby In Action at 10 Weeks

Now that most of the vital organs are functioning your baby has officially graduated from an embryo to a fetus. Those tiny little fingers and toes are no longer webbed and are even starting to grow nails. Bones and cartilage are also forming this week.


Baby Size at 10 Weeks

During week 10, baby is about the size of a small strawberry. He or she is a little over an inch long and weighs about .14 ounces.


pregnancy symptoms week by week

Your Body at 10 Weeks

Round ligament pain. You may start to notice more aches and pains as your abdomen continues to stretch. Here’s how you can get some relief. 

 Visible Veins. You may notice them on your abdomen and breast. They are doing an important job of carrying extra blood to your baby.

 Dizziness. Your body is still trying to adjust to all of the extra blood pumping through it.

Indigestion. Some moms to be say warm milk with a little bit of honey can help provide relief.


weekly pregnancy to do list

10 Week To-Do-List

– Schedule your second prenatal visit where you will most likely complete your nuchal translucency screening. 

-Baby’s can come with a big price tag. There’s alot to buy and not to mention the medical bills. Check out this post on how to get financially prepared for baby. 


Next up: Week 11! Read more on what happens next week by clicking below!

Browse Pregnancy Week by Week:

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