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baby growth week by week

37 Weeks

While I’m sure mama is more than ready for baby to be here, they still need a bit more time in the womb! More details on what is going on with baby and mama below. 

baby growth week by week

Baby In Action at 37 Weeks

Baby’s brain and lungs are still growing and preparing for the outside world. Even though everyone is anxious for the big arrival, baby needs to keep on cookin’ just a little bit longer. 

Be sure to monitor baby’s movements this week. While baby is still sleeping for long stretches, you should still feel movements. If you are worried, try drinking some ice cold water- that usually does the trick to get a few kicks and squirms from baby!

baby growth week by week

Baby Size at 37 Weeks

Baby is weighing in around 6 pounds and is  anywhere from 18-19 inches long! Your baby is the size of a swiss chard!

pregnancy symptoms week by week

Your Body at 37 Weeks

 Here are a few symptoms women most commonly experience during 36 weeks of pregnancy:

Pelvic Pressure: This happens as a result of baby “dropping”

Hip Pain: This may continue up until delivery, but remember that it is just your body stretching out for the big moment 

Decreased appetite: This is normal as labor approaches. Try eating smaller meals at more frequent intervals. 

False Labor: Watch out for signs that is isn’t quite time. More on this below.

weekly pregnancy to do list

37 Week To-Do-List

– Double Check with your HR department that everything is prepped and ready for your maternity leave. 

– Make final changes to your birth plan. 

Keep on reading! Big things are happening next week

Browse Pregnancy Week by Week:

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